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Bono Energia Fatturato

Bono Energia Spa: Revenue and Financials

Bono Energia Spa Revenue and Financials

Financial Performance Overview

Bono Energia Spa, based in Peschiera Borromeo, Italy, reported strong financial performance in recent years. According to the latest available data, the company's revenue in 2020 was €454,934,710, with a net profit of €82,023,700. In 2021, the company's share capital stood at €260,000,000.

Revenue Growth

Bono Energia Spa's revenue has shown consistent growth over the years. In 2020, the company's revenue increased significantly compared to the previous year. This growth trend is expected to continue in the coming years as the company expands its operations and customer base.


Bono Energia Spa has maintained a healthy profit margin, indicating the company's operational efficiency and financial stability. The company's net profit in 2020 was a substantial €82,023,700, demonstrating its ability to generate strong cash flow and profitability.

Capital Structure

Bono Energia Spa's capital structure consists of a combination of share capital and other forms of financing. In 2021, the company's share capital was €260,000,000, providing a solid financial foundation for its operations and growth initiatives.


Bono Energia Spa's strong financial performance reflects the company's strategic planning, operational efficiency, and commitment to delivering value to its customers. The company's revenue growth, profitability, and solid capital structure position it well for continued success in the energy sector.
